Saturday 2 September 2017

A blog with  original and SEO friendly content in  it,can easily get high ranking in search results.One of the biggest sources of traffic in a blog will be from search engines. You can boost the traffic that comes to your blogs from search engines by
adding  seo friendly keywords to your blog post.
Writing good quality SEO friendly blog posts is not  too hard as beginners most think. you just need to add the wright keywords to some places  in our blog posts to make them optimized for search engines.
Remember to add keywords in a proper way so that it looks natural to both your readers and for search engines too.
these are the best locations to add keywords in a blogger blog posts.

Use keywords in your blog post title.

One of the best ways to add keywords in your blog posts is to use them in your blog post titles.  You may listen that we should use catchy post titles to attract more readers. But with catchy post titles you should also remember to add you keywords in your post title.

In the Starting and Ending Paragraph  of  your blog post.

It is important to add keywords in the first and last paragraph of your blog post. Because search engines look for keywords in these  places to decide the ranking of our blog posts.
You can add more targeted words in the form of phrases between the content to make it more SEO friendly.
Always use multiple and relevant words, don't use the same words over and over again.Using multiple related word not only protect our content from keyword stuffing penalty but also help it to appear high with multiple search terms. Hence more targeted traffic to our blog..

Use only one or two relevant keywords in each blog post.

To maximize the traffic that comes to your blog via search engines, focus on optimizing each of your blog posts for just one or two keyword. Cause Too many keyword phrases dilute the content of your post for readers and can look like spam to both readers and search engines. You can learn more about using specific keywords to maximize search traffic by reading about long tail search engine optimization.  

Use keywords in your blog post links.

links is the URL of you blog posts is the best location to add really targeted engine optimization experts believe that search engines like Google place more weight on linked text than UN-linked text when ranking search engine results. Therefore, it's a good idea to include your keywords in or next to the links within your blog posts when it's relevant to do so.

Use keywords in image Alt-tags.

We all know that images play an important role in the explanation of the topic. But using images we can also optimize our blog posts even better.when you upload an image to your blog to use in your blog post, you should add alt text to the image. Because alt text can also help your search engine optimization efforts, because Google and other search engines crawl that tag and use it in providing results for keyword searches. Take the time to add keywords that are relevant to the image and post in the Alt-tag for each image you upload and publish on your blog. 


Post Labels

Put your targeted keywords in your labels, because Post labels not only used to categorize our blog posts. If used smartly then we can take their benefits to optimize our blog posts too.

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